The collection includes
- Loch Ness Monster press cuttings
- Conductivity figures for River Avon and River Frome
- Correspondence between Wilfred Henry Moore & J.D. Brayshaw, Avon & Dorset River Board, regarding electrofishing apparatus
The collection includes
Wilfred Henry Moore was born on the 2nd November 1918. In July 1955 he joined the Freshwater Biological Association as a laboratory assistant, where until 1939 he worked on the zoological side. In 1939 he joined the Royal Navy as a Ordinary Telegraphist and in 1944 he was promoted to Petty Officer Telegraphist
In 1945 he returned to the Freshwater Biological Association on release from the Royal Navy where in addition to being responsible for all electrical instruments and apparatus in the laboratory he was working under the direction of Clifford Hiley Mortimer, assisting him in the development of a number of electronic and other devices for making physical measurements in the library and the field. During the whole of 1947 he was responsible for making weekly observations of light penetration and vertical temperature distribution in Windermere and other lakes
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