The collection contains material relating to Fenton's studies and professional career, covering his classes in Letterpress Printing at the Aldenham Institute and awards received, his work in the industry for printing companies such as Crowther & Co and as a compositor for the National Institute of the Blind. Also included are materials relating to Fenton's teaching career at St Brides Foundation Institute and London School of Printing: materials used in his classes such as booklets and leaflets, slides and machinery tools; handwritten and typed annotations organised mostly in notebooks or research files containing information on various subjects such as typesettings and photocomposition machines, halftones and colour separation; yearbooks and prospectuses, indexed papers relating to his retirement and his work with other colleges such as Croydon College of Arts. Also included are materials about his work as a steward at the Royal Festival Hall, where he worked for over 20 years.
It also contains library materials, including books, booklets, periodicals, catalogues and publications by the London School of Printing.