Liturgical manuscripts written in Spain, 16th-18th century.
- The first item (MS Lat. liturg. a. 11) is a volume containing the following, written in Spain on parchment, 1657: a temporale of antiphons with painted initials, the main text followed by antiphons at Lauds for Common of Saints; 'quattor tempora Septembris'; and the offices for Maundy Thurs., Ash Wed. and Easter Sat., omitted from their usual position.
- MS Lat. liturg. a. 12 contains the fragments of choir books, on parchment. It includes: leaves from the temporale of a gradual, Spain 17th-18th century; leaf from a gradual, probably Spanish, 16th-17th century; leaf from a gradual, France, 15th century; and leaves from a ferial choir psalter, Spain, 16th century.
- MS Lat. liturg. b. 15 is a choir book written in Spain, on parchment, 1733. It includes music for a mixture of masses and offices: a sequence Dies Irae for All Souls Day; offices for Christmas Day, Stephen, John the Evangelist, Holy Innocents, Name of Jesus and Epiphany; Mass of the Passion; hymn for Lauds of Epiphany; Mass of S. Aloysius Gonzaga, and introit for Mass of Ash Wed.. The volume is inscribed 'Mando hacer este libro Seora d. Beatriz Velasquez siendo Vicaria en este Convento de N.P.S. Bernardo. Ao 1733'.