The Taylor Dyson Collection of Yorkshire books were amassed by Taylor Dyson, a former Headmaster of King James grammar school in Almondbury 1913-1945, who gifted the collection to the school. When King James' ceased to have a sixth form the collection was placed on loan with Greenhead College. The library as a specific and named collection was deposited with the University Archives in 2010 by the Old Almondburians.
The Library chiefly consists of books relating to Yorkshire and in particular to the district of Kirklees.
Taylor Dyson, a former Headmaster of King James' grammar school in Almondbury 1913-1945, wrote amongst others 'Almondbury and it's ancient school' and 'A History of Huddersfield'. He gifted his own extensive collection of relevant books on local history to King James' where it was kept in the headmaster's study. Between 1952-1954 the staff at King James' sought to expand pupils' exposure to extra-curricula activities which resulted in various societies being founded. The idea was to provide a wider general education so that the pupils would learn more about the world around them than could simply be taught through the then curriculum. Therefore in 1953-54 the Taylor Dyson Memorial library became available for pupils' use either through consultation or borrowing. This collection was increased through donations from various Old Boys parents and others. During it's time at King James' the collection was the responsibilty of various schoolmasters who were made responsible for it's upkeep and maintanence.