The collection comprises a series of black and white photographs, undated, c.1948-1950 (MS 292/1-108); a postcard of the Midland Agricultural College (the University of Nottingham's School of Agriculture from 1947) from Heather Beardall to D.T. Beardall, 1948 (MS 292/109); a doll in a papoose, undated c.1949 (MS 292/110); and a fancy-dress 'Minnie Ha Ha' squaw costume comprising a feather, feather headband and top, undated c. 1949 (MS 292/111).
The photographs relate primarily to student life at the School of Agriculture. They include photos of sports teams, including women's hockey and netball, and student athletics; student carnivals; groups of students socialising; views of the college; and students involved in practical activities such as tractor driving and beekeeping.
The costume and doll were made for a student 'rag' carnival procession, using household materials.