The diocese of York is currently divided into the archdeaconries of York, Cleveland and the East Riding. Selby is in York. Rural deaneries were given official status with the setting up of the Church Assembly, Diocesan Conference and Parochial Church Council after World War One. The Ruridecanal Conference (later the Deanery Synod) became a local district council of clergy and laity. The rural dean, whose appointment is in the hands of the Bishop of York and the relevant archdeacon, has the especial care and inspection of the clergy within the archdeaconry, together with several other responsibilities with respect of synodical government.
A number of ruridecanal record collections have been deposited. Principally these consist of minutes of chapter meetings and ruridecanal conferences, but on occasion there are other matters of considerable interest. These include several series of parish newsletters, pamphlets relating to specific issues (such as the debate over the Hydrogen Bomb in the 1950s, or calls for personal rededication in an increasingly secular age), questionnaire returns, lists of clergy and wardens, and discussion regarding such disparate matters as deanery boundaries, church schools and military encroachment on parish lands (with related correspondence).