The collection comprises two student notebooks with hardcovers and handwriting in ink. The larger of the two (MS 318/1), headed 'Dispensing Notebook', begins with a page of instructions on how to wrap, label and finish prescriptions of medicine for patients. The rest of the volume contains ingredients and methods for preparing various, seemingly unnamed, medicines.
The smaller volume (MS 318/2) is in two parts. The section headed 'Practical Pharmacy', is divided between exercise questions on the left hand pages with corresponding answers, comprising ingredients and methods, on the right hand side. The 'Forensic Pharmacy' section comprises student notes, probably taken down during a lecture.
Dated signatures in pencil appear regularly amongst entries in these volumes and these seem to be the names of fellow students, such as Geoffrey E. Trease and A.D. Bentham. This possibly refers to a system enabling the verification of student work. The notebooks cover the period from October 1928 to June 1929.