The collection consists of correspondence and literary papers. There are letters between Patmore and his friends, 1850-1895. Correspondence concerning research into Patmore's life and career includes letters between Frederick Page and Professor Hewitt to Patmore's widow Harriet, Alice Maynell, Basil Champneys, Edmund Gosse, Gordon Bottomley, Walter de la Mare and others. Only one literary autograph is present in the initial accessions to the collection: Patmore's last book, 'The Rod, the Root and the Flower'. Other works by him are in printed form, and papers about him include the original manuscript for Page's biography 'Patmore: A Study' as well as published extracts from periodicals and journals. A late photograph of Patmore is also present.
Further correspondence between Patmore and his friends and colleagues have been added to the collection as Pt C 106-108.
Autograph working notes of Coventry Patmore, including papers concerning 'The Angel in the House' and other poems, and further printed works have been added to the collection as Pt L 52-73.