The constitution, etc., 1929-1967; annual reports and accounts, 1930-1969; membership lists, 1933-1970; minutes series, including General Meetings, Executive Committee and Finance/Finance and General Purposes Sub-committee meetings, and participation in joint committees with other bodies, 1929-1975; branch minutes, reports and papers, 1941-1970; files about study and research groups, training, education, courses and conferences etc., 1931-1970; public relations and relations with other organisations, 1928-1971; APSW publications, including British Journal of Psychiatric Social Work, 1947-1970, APSW circulars, 1943-1970, and publications by APSW members; evidence, memoranda submitted to enquiries, 1934-1969, etc.
An additional file of reminiscences of psychiatric social workers was deposited by Mrs S Malin in April 2011. This has been added to the catalogue.