No address. To [John] Swynfen [MP], St Anne's Lane, Westminster. 'I have sent you a narrative of the former proceedinges about the castle of Banbury (my house) ... The gentlemen have spoken with me, and my cosin Knightly will report this to the House [of Commons] ... Excuse me for putting you to this toble I assure my slefe the House will not misuse me if rightly informed, wch that they may be I desyre yo favour with some other of my frendes ... Lett me be lett alone to inioye [enjoy] mine owne and I am satisfyed. Sr I shall remayne Your affectionate frend to serve you'.
Autograph, with signature.
A petition to demolish Banbury Castle was presented in the House of Commons on 27 May 1648 and an order for the demolition was issued in June. Fiennes was paid £2,000 in compensation. The stones from the castle were used to construct and repair other buildings in the town, which (like the castle) had been damaged during the Civil War.