Contents: A volume containing records of accidents to LMS employees during the period 1923-1930, also included are accidents to London and North West railway employees in the period, May-December 1922, before the LNER became part of the LMS on 1 January 1923. Accident returns were required under the terms of the Factories Acts, and each report provides details of the employee, the nature of the accident and its consequences, the date and time of the accident, and a decision on the category of accident (misadventure, negligence by injured party or other party, and "other cause" - nearly all cases were judged to be misadventure).
All cases relate to the LMS Division which covered the counties of Cheshire, Staffordshire and Shropshire, and had its main office at Crewe. The volume is indexed by individual name. There are some slight differences in the types of form used to record cases.
The volume provides interesting information about the working conditions of rail employees during this period, including a range of data on the nature of accidents encountered on the railways, and how the company dealt with these.