1-296: Photographs of and by Ernest and Richard Kilby taken during WWI (Friends' Ambulance Unit (British Red Cross Society) France) and Quaker relief operation in Buzuluk, Iakovlevka, Pavlovka, Pugachev[sk?], ?Raziezlezd, ?Sukharechka (Samara Province, South Russia), also Moscow, Warsaw and unidentified places, early 1920s (included on photographs are William Allbright, John Brocklesby, Muriel ?Carslen, R O Catford, Thekla ?Chank, Henry Goldey, Stanley Gregory, V P Kodak, Vera ?Kunbering, Ekaterina Lees, Minnie MacKay, Dr MacKenzie, [?] ?Merkolova, Doris Mudie, Caroline Normant, Muriel Payne, Keith Pyott, Douglas Roberts, Julius Rozinskii, Margaret ?Sackur, Alexander Sydney, Rebecca Thompson, Arthur Watts and partially identified or unidentified colleagues and local residents)
297-340: Picture postcards of works of art by T Ciezlewski, M V Dobuzhinskii, M Giermaszew, J Guranowski, N A Iaroshenko, K F Iuon, V A Kotarbinskii, P I Kotov, S Maslowski, [?] Murav'ev, V V Perepletchikov, A Piotrowski, E I Stolitsa (Obshchina sv Evgenii Krasnogo Kresta, no 1913), T Ziomek, B V Zvorykin (A M Remizov illustration), also views of Buzuluk and Warsaw. 341: ?Vianilli watercolour of St Nicola di Bari Church, inscribed to "Sister Veronica" by "Aleka's mother", Moscow, 1922.