Large-scale Scottish datasets designed to provide a nationally representative sample of the population of Scotland include:
- Scottish Household Survey (UK Data Archive study number 4351 - data currently held for 1999 and 2000) The Scottish Household Survey is a continuous survey covering household composition, housing and tenure, health, the The Scottish Household Survey is a continuous survey covering household composition, housing and tenure, health, the vehicles available to the household, the occupation and industry of the highest income householder, household income and housing costs, individuals' housing change, tenure change, neighbourhood problems, transport and use of public transport, public services, income and employment.
- Scottish Health Survey (UK Data Archive generic study number 33320 - data currently held for 1995 and 1998) The Scottish Health Survey is carried out once every three years and samples those aged between 2 and 74 living in The Scottish Health Survey is carried out once every three years and samples those aged between 2 and 74 living in private households. Full participation had two components: a survey interview in which topics included general health, eating habits, physical activity, smoking, drinking, accidents, cardiovascular disease and respiratory symptoms, as well as height and weight measurement; and a nurse visit to collect additional information and to take further measurements including blood pressure and lung function, plus blood samples from older children and adults.
- Scottish Crime Survey (UK Data Archive generic study number 33330 - data currently held for 1993, 1996 and 2000) The Scottish Crime Survey (SCS) is a repeat cross-sectional survey that aims to provide an alternative measure of crime The Scottish Crime Survey (SCS) is a repeat cross-sectional survey that aims to provide an alternative measure of crime to the police-recorded crime statistics, examine trends in the level and nature of crime over time, assess varying crime risks and collect information on a range of other crime-related issues, e.g. concern about crime; attitudes to the police; drug misuse and domestic violence. In 1982 and 1988 the Crime Survey in Scotland formed part of the British Crime Survey (BCS).
- Scottish Social Attitudes Survey (UK Data Archive generic study number 33329 - data currently held for 1999 and 2000) The Scottish Social Attitudes survey has been designed as an annual Scottish sister survey to the British Social Attitudes The Scottish Social Attitudes survey has been designed as an annual Scottish sister survey to the British Social Attitudes survey. The 1999 survey was its first round and in that year it also doubled as the Scottish Parliament Election Study. The questionnaire covers political behaviour and attitudes, a core section on social attitudes, and a thorough classification section. A separate module of questions dealing with the new electoral systems was fielded as part of the self- completion booklet. The survey also collects some information regarding behaviour patterns, household circumstances and work.
The UK Data Archive 'Geographic Focus - Scotland' web page provides links to other Scottish data resources and links to the catalogue records of other datasets containing Scottish data that are held at the UK Data Archive. The latter include most of the datasets in the UK Data Archive major studies series.