Manual encoding
Paragraphs within elements must be correctly wrapped in <p> tags. This applies to all fields within <archdesc>, except those within <did>, eg:
<p>... and Highfield Hall was lent to the Red Cross Society.</p>
<p>The College continued to expand ...</p>
The Hub's software does not support EAD tables. Instead, please make appropriate use of paragraphs or lists, or consider whether the information might be better presented in several lower-level descriptions.
Instead of using paragraphs, line breaks, semi-colons and so on for lists, use the <list> and <item> elements.
<list> and <item> produces bullet points in an unordered list:
<item>Appointment to the Chair of Anatomy, 1938-1940, 1945</item>
<item>Memos left by Professor Lockhart, 1938</item>
This displays on the web as:
- Appointment to the Chair of Anatomy, 1938-1940, 1945
- Memos left by Professor Lockhart, 1938
Using <list type="ordered" numeration="arabic"> and <item> produces an automatically numbered list.
This would display on the web as:
- Appointment to the Chair of Anatomy, 1938-1940, 1945
- Memos left by Professor Lockhart, 1938
You may embed lists within lists, to get multi-level lists, eg:
<item>English counties:
<item>Scottish counties:
Line breaks
You may use line break tags <lb/> (please do not use <br/ >), or use <p> or <list> if they are more appropriate.
Also, many EAD elements should be (or may be) repeated instead of using line breaks:
<origination>Peter Buchan (1790 - 1854)</origination>
<origination>William Walker (1840 - 1931)</origination>
- General
- Layout - you are here
- Links/external references
- Special characters