- (a) number 1, fragment (1 page) of the text of Essays on Political Economy, published in Frazer's Magazine, 1862-3 (begins C. Critic Law determines...; and ends imperfect which are by much the), and containing variants from the published text;
- (b) number 2, Ariadne Florentina, draft (2 pages) of the Advice to Lectures IV-VI as issued in 1876, and containing variants from the published text;
- (c) number 3, A Joy for Ever, page-proof of thePreface (pp. vii-viii) to the 1880 edition, with corrections (begins The title of this book, ...; and ends imperfect and in logical sequence);
- (d) numbers 4-6, Praeterita, fragment (1 page) of the text of volume 1, chapter X (begins Insert in 343. So little, indeed,...; and ends cut of his jerkin), together with a letter by Agnew Severn stating that he has enclosed one of the latest autographs Ruskin ever wrote (1897) and a bit of the original manuscript of Praeterita;
- (e) numbers 7-11, miscellaneous notes respecting art, industry and economic theory (n.d.).