Types of Reference for Descriptions
There are three options for types of reference: current, former and alternative. These can all be added and modified easily using the EAD Editor.
This applies to all levels of description.
A persistent reference is automatically generated and used to create a unique identifier on the Web (a URI).
Both the URI and the reference displayed on the Hub are always made up of three parts: the country code, repository code and collection identifier:
archiveshub.ac.uk/data/gb3184-sk - the permanent reference for the Stanley Kubrick archive.
Reference Number(s) GB 3184 SK
The options for different references given below can also be added to your EAD markup.
Use the + button to add a new reference and use the drop-down menu to select the type of reference.
If you are creating a new description, the label 'current' will be the default and the content of this reference will be used for the URI.
You should always have a current reference, but you may add both former and alternative references to this.
Persistent Reference
The persistent reference is generated automatically when you enter a reference. It is used to create the URI for the description and it is non-editable in the Editor.
This is the Web identifier, and it is displayed in the address bar.
It must not change as it is used to identify and link to the description in the long-term.
Current Reference
Most descriptions will only have one reference, which will be the current reference.
It is the reference that is displayed to the end-user.
It should be the reference you want researchers to use to identify the collection.
Former Reference
This is provided for when your archive has a former reference that you would like to display
Add it in the Editor using the + button and select 'former' as the type.
The reference will dispaly in the Hub with the label 'Former Ref:'
Alternative Reference
This is provided in case you have a secondary reference you want to display but it is not the former reference.
Add it in the Editor using the + button and select 'alternative' as the type.
The reference will display in the Hub with the label 'Alt Ref:'
CALM descriptions
You can upload descriptions created in CALM.
If you have used the field in CALM labelled 'AltRefNo' this will appear in the Editor with the same value.
You can then edit it if you wish.
Uploading from other sofware
We only allow for the values of persistent, current, former and alternative in the references.
Please get in touch if this does not meet your needs.
We may be able to alter the Editor, but we have to balance this against the value of a consistent and controlled approach.