This material is currently being re-listed. Where available, covering dates for series of records have been given.
- Order books 1955-1980
- Job books
- Estimates 1929-1978
- Correspondence 1943-1975
- Ship files 1947-1978
- Ship plans 1932-1974 (ship nos. 367-445)
- Yard plans 1907-1974
- Memorandum and articles of association 1925
- Minute books
- Annual reports
- Registers of directors and members
- Board reports
- Board correspondence
- Private ledgers
- Journals; cash books
- Nominal accounts
- Sales records
- Purchase books
- Materials books 1947-1978
- Dock records
- Technical records
- Launch records c1946-1978
- Photographs
- Publicity materials
- Calendars
- Personnel records 1947-1981
- Blackwood & Gordon Boat & Engine Cost Book 1885-1894 [UGD 140/12/18]