Data Import
Contributing via Adlib
We provide an AdLib export, which you need to install in your AdLib system in order to provide us with exports. We also have processing 'pipelines' created especially for data that is exported from AdLib.
Please contact us if you are interested in contributing from AdLib. If you wish to try out the export template, please go ahead, but we do need to set you up as an AdLib contributor before we can process your data.
We have a Guide to AdLib Cataloguing and Export to the Archives Hub. The guide gives instructions on installing the export template and goes through many of the AdLib fields, giving tips on how to use them and how the data exports. It also gives a brief guide to uploading your descriptions to the Hub.
- Most of the data that is exported comes from the Archives (catalogue) database. It has not been easy to grab data from the Persons and institutions database, and this limits the elements in the name records that we can receive. We should get personal name and date,but as yet we cannot get the precision field, so a 'circa' may not export to us, for example.
- The master copy of the data should be within the AdLib system, and you should export to the Archives Hub as and when you need to, either with new descriptions or revisions to descriptions already on the Hub.
- We have a number of processes that can transform ingested data into Hub compliant data, but we may have to provide an error report to you if we find content that needs to be corrected. This may include information about missing fields,date errors, duplicate references, etc.
- Note: we have been told by Axiell that Axiell Collections, the replacement for AdLib, should be compatible with our export. It may be that some alterations will be necessary, but we understand that the underlying database will largely be the same.
What Next?
We are happy to receive a sample of AdLib EAD exports from institutions that would like to contribute their descriptions. Please email us if you are interested.
AdLib EAD Export Templates
We have an export template that you need to use to provide us with Archives Hub EAD. This may be updated periodically in order to ensure that it meets the requirements of our AdLib contributors.
Additional files
In order to export life dates for creators you also need to add or replace two files
March 2020 template changes
- Output life dates for creators and index entries
- Output title associated with a name
- Include paragraph tags for line breaks
- Improved export of digital objects and added AdLib reproduction.reference field to the export